It Saves Resources
Aquaponics system is Space efficient. It provides six times more quantity of harvest in one square feet area, compared to traditional farming that too without soil.
Since Aquaponics is a close loop based water ecosystem; it requires 1/10th of water than soil farming.
Alternative energy methods such as hydroelectric, solar power, and wind power are all available for use in powering Aquaponics farm, thus minimizing the consumption of non-renewable energy resources.
Organic and sustainable soil-less way of growing
Benefits of consuming
Aquaponically grown food
Accrue the
of Nutrients
Matsya farm grow and nurture crops in the water loaded with vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other such micro-macro-nutrients. As compared to a conventionally grown food, Aquaponics food is nutrient dense. The nutritional value of a food item is determined by its mineral and vitamin content. Our produce rates excellent in Brix value amongst all other farming produces.
Research shows that GMOs (Genetically Modified Foods) are contaminating natural foods sources at real scary pace. What makes them a great threat is they are not even labeled. So, sticking to organic foods sourced from veritable sources is the only way to mitigate these grave effects of GMOs. Hence we use Non-GMO seeds to grow food.
Natural and
better Taste
Those that have tasted organically farmed foods would attest to the fact that they have a natural and better taste. The natural and superior taste comes from the well balanced and nourished water in aquaponics. Organic farmers always prioritize quality over quantity.
Helps us
Matsya farm does not use any poisonous chemicals, pesticides and weedicides. Studies reveal that a large section of the population fed on toxic substances used in conventional agriculture has fallen prey to diseases like cancer.
The theory of evolution says, the oldest source of fertilizer is provided by fish. Initial record of using this kind of fertilizer comes from the era of Aztec civilization; the practice is known as ‘Chinampa’
Upcoming Project
Matsya farm was founded with the mission to encourage growth, awareness and prosperity of organic farming with the purpose of securing future food demand.
Our aim of starting an urban Aquaponics farm is to provide fresh organic food reducing food miles. The approach of ‘Farm to Fork’ reduces and simplifies the food supply chain, drastically diminishing its environmental impacts, while providing cities with fresher products.